StrikeHQ BTS gallery 1 

A few behind the scenes snaps during the construction phase of the new Strike office.

Pictured above: the space formerly occupied by Anthea Crawford. 

StrikeHQ BTS gallery 2

The model of the final first floor layout. Originally conceived to have a copper finish, the 'River' table runs the length of the office - connecting reception, marketing, operations and finance areas. 

StrikeHQ BTS gallery 3


StrikeHQ BTS gallery 5

Assembling the workstations from AWM

StrikeHQ BTS gallery 4


StrikeHQ BTS gallery 6

Construction of the 'River' table. 

StrikeHQ BTS gallery 7


StrikeHQ BTS gallery 8

Assembling the custom designed stations for the sales team. 

StrikeHQ BTS gallery 9


StrikeHQ BTS gallery 10


StrikeHQ BTS gallery 11


StrikeHQ BTS gallery 12 Joomla 3.3 Templates